Surgical Treatment
Surgical Treatment


Liposuction is a fat removal procedure that aims to eradicate excessive stubborn fat from these hard to shift areas. Liposuction should be thought of as a sculpting procedure that can change the contours of your body or face.


A Tummy Tuck or Abdominoplasty is a procedure that removes excess fat and skin from around the waist and removes excess skin to leave a flatter, lower body profile and younger-looking abdomen.

Breast Reshaping

Breast Uplift Surgery is a procedure that firms and lifts the breasts to restore the former, fuller appearance of your bust line. Breasts of any size can be lifted, and many women have a breast lift because pregnancy and breast feeding have left them with stretched skin and less volume in their breasts.

Nose Reshaping Surgery

Nose Surgery to Nose reshape, is one of the most common of all plastic surgery procedures. Rhinoplasty can reduce or increase the size of your nose, change the nose shape of the tip or the bridge, narrow the span of the nostrils, or change the angle between your nose and your upper lip. It is a nose reshaping of the cartilage, bone and sometimes the soft tissues of the nose.

Face Lift Surgery

A facelift, technically known as rhytidectomy (surgical removal of wrinkles), can reduce some visible signs of ageing. A facelift smooth the loose skin on your face and neck and tightens underlying tissue. As a result, your face will appear firmer and fresher making you look younger.

Chin and Cheek Implants

High cheekbones and a strong jaw line have a long history of allure. Along with the eyes, the cheekbones and jaw line form the most photogenic aspects of the face. Chin and cheek implants are a great way to enhance a facial profile by improving the overall proportion and balance of the face. Utilizing permanent chin and cheek implants can provide a rejuvenated, youthful facial profile.

Eyebrow/Forehead Lift

A forehead lift is often performed to treat conditions associated with aging. It may be done in conjunction with other cosmetic procedures to achieve a more harmonious facial appearance. A forehead lift is also appropriate for treatment of certain inherited traits. Younger adults who have a low brow or who already have deep frown lines due to stress or over activity of muscles may benefit from the Forehead Lift procedure.

Eyelid Surgery

Aesthetic eyelid surgery can usually correct these problems, though other treatments may also need to be considered. Some examples follow. If the upper eyelid condition is accompanied by sagging of the eyebrows, then a forehead lift may be recommended. 

Ear Surgery

Ear surgery often is recommended for children of age 5-6 as they near total ear development. Ear correction surgery of the ears prior to the child entering school helps eliminate potential psychological trauma from the teasing of classmates. Adults may also have their ears reshaped. As long as you are in good health, there is no upper age limit for this surgery.

Lip Enhancement

Lips are, after our eyes, the most expressive and noticeable feature of our face. They are called on daily to speak for us, and in the process they call attention to themselves with their motion. They are also one of the most prominent features distinguishing a masculine face from a feminine one.

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