Hair Treatment & Transplant
Hair Treatment & Transplant

FUE Hair Transplant

Follicular Unit Extraction or FUE Harvesting – individual follicles of hair are removed under local anesthesia; this micro removal uses tiny punches of between 0.6mm and 1.25mm in diameter.

Hair Falling / Loss

Hair fall or loss may come as a surprise, but it is not a mystery. There is always a cause, and cause can be diagnosed by the surgeon hair transplant specialist, who can recommend appropriate treatment. 

Patchy Hairs

Patchy hair loss, sometimes referred to as “bald spots” is an unusual condition which affects both men and women at all ages. It is a condition where you lose a whole patch of hairs on the head. 


Alopecia (al-oh-PEE-shah) means hair loss. When a person has a medical condition called alopecia areata (ar-ee-AH-tah), the hair falls out in round patches. The hair can fall out on the scalp and elsewhere on the body.

Split Ends

Split Ends occur when the cuticle is damaged and the fibers of the cortex unravel. The hair is dry, brittle and prone to tangling and can split at the end or anywhere along the shaft.

Hair Dandruff

Dandruff in considered to be the most common and complex skin problem which results in the flaking of the white and dry skin from the scalp. The person suffering with dandruff often feels they cannot wear dark clothing because others may notice.

Burnt Hairs

A burn is damage to the skin’s tissues, usually caused by excessive heat.The person suffering with dandruff often feels they cannot wear dark clothing because others may notice. 

All Hair Diseases

Most people cringe at the thought of having a fungal or yeast infection. The reality, however, is that we all have many types of fungi that live on our skin all the time. Most of the time these fungi donot cause any problems, but sometimes a fungus will change and cause an infection.

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