FUE Hair Transplant
FUE Hair Transplant

Hair Transplant Procedures performed fall into two basic categories each comprising nearly 50% of our work. The first is hair transplant surgery for new patients. The second is corrective hair transplant surgery for patients of other physicians or those who used previous methods and were not satisfied with the results. A small amount of our work consists of reconstructive surgery of the eyebrows and face where damage may have occurred due to various reasons.

Surgical Hair Restoration

  • Restoring Natural Hair for Men and Women
  • Corrective Surgeries For Improper Transplants Performed Elsewhere
  • Corrective Surgeries For Restoring Post-facial Surgery, Sideburns, Frontal Hairline and Eyebrows
  • Corrective Surgery For Trauma And Burn Patients
  • Single Hair Feathering Technique For Thinning Hair
  • Surgery For Eyelashes

The surgical transplantation of hair follicles is a remarkably simple outpatient procedure.Hair transplantation is a minor outpatient surgery that simply relocates hair follicles from the donor area to the balding site. The procedure first begins with the surgeon removing a donor strip from the donor site, which is located on the back or side of scalp. During the procedure, local anesthesia is administrated to relieve any discomfort.

1- Consultation

The consultation is perhaps the most important step for the individual. The information exchanged during this meeting will outline your goals and expectations for the outcome of the procedure. The information you receive during this consultation is the only factor you have, in choosing either the right clinic or the wrong clinic for you.

2- Blood Tests

Once you have decided on a clinic and scheduled an appointment, most clinics require blood tests to be performed.

3- Anesthesia

After your blood tests are confirmed, the doctor begins the procedure. Each clinic will give you certain instructions to follow before your surgery, which will probably include not taking an aspirin product before the surgery, and other instructions. Using a local anesthesia, the doctor will numb the recipient area and donor area. This is the only time patients will feel pain, which can range from a mild discomfort for some patients to painful for others. Women tend to endure this step better than men due to their higher capacity for pain.

4- Extraction of donor hair

Once the anesthesia has taken affect, the doctor can remove the donor hair grafts, which is done using one of two methods in common practice today.

The single strip harvest method

The single strip harvest method is the traditional and most widely used method. The donor strip is carefully divided into follicular units under a microscope and surgical light;in order to remove this strip, you will have to lie on your stomach so doctors can get a topside view of your donor area.

The Follicular Unit Extraction method

The Follicular Unit Extraction method is another technique some doctors use to harvest donor hair. In this labor-intensive technique, doctors use a small punch-like circular scalpel to remove follicular units one at a time.

5- Implanting of donor hair

Following the suturing of your donor area or the Follicular Unit Extraction step, you will recline comfortably in the surgery chair as the medical team begins preparing your hair loss affected area for the follicular unit hair grafts to be implanted. This step involves making tiny incisions with a small-gauged scalpel in the recipient area. These tiny incisions are where your scalp will receive the new grafts of hair. Its during this step in the Hair Transplant process that the experience and care of the doctor are most needed. The pattern in which the grafts are implanted must appear natural and care has to be taken by the doctor to ensure blood flow to the new grafts. Depending on the number of grafts you are having implanted, the entire procedure can last from 2 to 4 hours.

6- Post-operative care

Once the medical team has finished implanting the grafts,the procedure is basically over. Your doctor will write you prescriptions for pain, swelling and infection and give you careful instructions on how to take care so that you do not end up damaging the newly implanted hair grafts. After the surgery, the patient can return to normal activities, but strenuous activities should be avoided in the first few days.

Recovery from Hair Transplant Surgery?

Back to work within 2-4 days.

Hair Transplant Results:

Initially the newly implanted grafts will scab as they heal and then fall out. However, do not worry when they fall out because they have gone into the dormant stage of the normal hair growth cycle. The new hair will start growing after about three months and you may have to wait for 3 to 6 to up to 12 months for your new hair to start growing. Statistics show that 90% of the procedures prove to be successful and hair start growing naturally.


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