Birthmarks Treatment
Birthmarks Treatment

Birthmarks Treatment

Birthmarks may be "natural", but for many people they can be seen as anything from an unwanted blemish to a soul-sapping scar that leaves you lacking in confidence. Fortunately, modern technology can remove or reduce the impact of birthmarks in a safe and effective manner.

Birthmarks are simply a discoloration of the skin that can have a variety of causes including an unusual grouping of blood vessels or a localized excess of the pigmentation that gives skin its colour. Laser treatment can be suitable for all of these types of birthmark, though some may require longer courses of treatment than others.

Getting laser birthmarks treatment can be a big step, and for this reason its best to only deal with reputable and responsible clinics where staff are happy and willing to book a consultation to talk over the options and help you decide what, if any treatment is right for you.

Laser Treatments for Birthmarks

Birthmarks Laser treatment may sound severe but is actually very sophisticated. It involves using a customized light wave that is right for the specific coloration of the birthmark, a little like broadcasting sound at a particular frequency. Over the course of several treatments, the laser breaks down the coloration so that the mark fades and blends in with the surrounding skin, without leaving any scars.

While perfectly safe, laser treatment can be a little uncomfortable, though not intolerably so. Wherever necessary, anaesthetic cream can be applied before treatment to minimise any discomfort that may arise.

There can be some minor side effects such as bruising, though these arent long-lasting. Its also generally best to avoid strong sunlight (or at least use high SPF sun cream) and steers clear of tanning beds in the months immediately after treatment.

  • Freckles
  • Pigmentary Changes
  • Fine Thread Veins ( should be deleted as covered earlier)
  • Enlarged Pores


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