Eyebrow/Forehead Lift
Eyebrow/Forehead Lift

Eyebrow/Forehead Lift

A forehead lift is often performed to treat conditions associated with aging. It may be done in conjunction with other cosmetic procedures to achieve a more harmonious facial appearance. A forehead lift is also appropriate for treatment of certain inherited traits. Younger adults who have a low brow or who already have deep frown lines due to stress or over activity of muscles may benefit from the Forehead Lift procedure.

The face usually portrays the first visible signs of aging. Gravity and changes in eyebrow shape and position results in the brow area looking aged. Most patients that request evaluation for a Forehead Lift or Facelift feel that their facial features do not reflect their youthful spirit and energy level. They are looking for ways to refresh and rejuvenate their appearance. There are many different variations of the Forehead Lift procedure that improve the position and shape of the eyebrow and forehead areas. Ultimately, the Brow Lift will allow you to turn back the hands of time to better reflect your youthful spirit.

Sometimes, if your main concern is frown lines between your eyebrows or across the top of your nose, a limited endoscopic procedure to correct these problems can be done.

Understanding Risks of Forehead Lift Surgery

Fortunately, significant complications from Forehead Lifts are infrequent. Every year, thousands of people undergo successful Brow Lift surgery and are pleased with the results. However, anyone considering surgery should be aware of both the benefits and risks. These are best discussed on a personal basis with your surgeon or one of their qualified staff members.

Some of the potential complications that may occur include:

  • Hematoma (an accumulation of blood under the skin),
  • Infection, and
  • Reactions to anesthesia.

While plastic surgeons are well trained in techniques required for safely manipulating facial skin and tissues, a temporary injury to underlying structures is possible. Forehead Lift incisions are usually quite inconspicuous; however, this is not entirely predictable due to individual variations in healing. You can help minimize certain risks by following the advice and instructions given to you by your plastic surgeon both before and after surgery.

Some patients find that mild swelling persists for many weeks. Most stitches are removed within a week of the surgery.

Straining, bending, and lifting should be avoided during the early post-operative period as these activities may predispose you to bleeding.

Your surgeon will give you specific instructions that may include caring for the dressings and incisions, directions for your analgesics and other medications, specific concerns to look for, and when to follow up in the office to monitor your healing process. It may take several months for the swelling to fully resolve, and up to 6 months for the incision scars to fully fade. Avoidance of factors that could reduce the benefits of the surgery, such as excessive unprotected sun exposure and smoking, is vital.

Results of Your Forehead Lift

The results of your Brow Lift may be subtle or dramatic, depending on your appearance prior to the surgery as well as the specific goals that you and your plastic surgeon established before surgery. Since the healing process is gradual, you should expect to wait several weeks for an accurate picture of your "new look". Additional minor changes or settling may take over several months following your surgery.

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