Face Lift Surgery
Face Lift Surgery

Face Lift Surgery (Rhytidectomy) Surgical and Non Surgical Treatment

A facelift, technically known as rhytidectomy (surgical removal of wrinkles), can reduce some visible signs of ageing. A facelift smooth the loose skin on your face and neck and tightens underlying tissue. As a result, your face will appear firmer and fresher making you look younger.

What does Facelift Surgery Involve?

A face lift involves the skillful removal of excess facial skin from the neck, chin and cheek areas under local or general anesthetic. Starting high in the temple area, the hair at the incision courses down following the curves in front of the ear round the earlobe and up behind the ear before curving gently back into the hair again. It may be necessary to add an incision under the chin which is also well hidden. Using these incisions on both sides, the skin and deep tissues are remodeled and re-draped. Stitches secure layers of tissue and incisions and metal clips may be used on the scalp. The scars are hidden around your ears or in your hairline and usually fade in over 3 to 6 months.

How long does the face lift surgery take?

The procedure normally takes two to three hours and usually requires a hospital stay of 1 to 2 days.

What can I expect from a Facelift?

For most of the patients, the effects of facelifts last well so that even years later they continue to look and feel younger. The results of any facelift are lasting but remember that the procedure cannot stop the ageing process.

What will happen in the recovery period?

Following the operation, you may experience some bruising and swelling around the area and you may be asked to keep your head elevated for a couple of days in order to keep any swelling down. Any drainage tube is normally removed after a day or two and bandages are removed after 1 to 3 days. Stitches are removed after 5 days and any metal clips in scalp are removed after 10 days. You will have follow-up visits in the months after surgery to check on your progress.

What is the recovery time from facelift surgery?

Recovery normally takes between two to three weeks, however 1 to 2 days after surgery, you should be on your feet. It is important not to carry out vigorous activities for the first five days after the surgery. You can return to work, resume most of the normal activities after three weeks and begin exercise after six week.

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