Laser Skin Treatment
Laser Skin Treatment

Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal Depending on the area being treated, the process may take anywhere from several minutes to several hours to complete. The most commonly used lasers utilize a low energy laser beam. This beam passes through the patients skin and is attracted to the pigment of the hair. 

Birthmarks Treatment

Birthmarks may be "natural", but for many people they can be seen as anything from an unwanted blemish to a soul-sapping scar that leaves you lacking in confidence. Fortunately, modern technology can remove or reduce the impact of birthmarks in a safe and effective manner.

Age Spots Treatment

After a lifetime of being exposed to the sun, youre bound to have multiple consequences, including brown spots on your hands and face spots treatment. Age spots, technically known as "solar lentigines," are well-defined, uniformly colored areas of brown or grayish pigment that generally show up on the hands, face spots, neck spots, and chest.

Freckles Treatment

Freckles, or ephelides, are small speckled deposits of pigment in the epidermis (upper layer of the skin), usually caused by sun damage or regular sun exposure from sports like tennis, running, or swimming.

Skin Whitening Treatment

The first and the prime thing is to be sure to keep away from exposure to the sun. Despite of the structure of skin whitening treatment you choose, the skin will be sensitive to the sunlight and extended exposure to the sun can cause sunburns or even additional skin darkening.

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